Look Back at - What we've heard so far - Aylesbury Phase 2B


What we've heard so far



We loved talking to local residents, businesses and stakeholders over the summer. Thank you to everyone who came to our workshops, stopped to chat at our pop-ups on the estate, filled in our response cards or left comments on the Commonplace dedicated consultation website.  

We heard about what you love - and some things you don’t - about where you live, how you would like to see the Aylesbury evolving to meet your and your family’s everyday needs, and what makes a good home to live in.  

The insights you shared were extremely valuable. The team have been through them all in detail, taking on board what you’ve told us alongside external factors and changes. As a result, we’ve been able to develop and improve the designs for the scheme. 

We would now like to continue the conversation by sharing some updated initial plans so that you can see what’s working – or isn’t - and help us refine them further. 

Summary of Engagement so far

We spoke to:

What you told us

Masterplan consultation pop-up event in summer 2021

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
